Angel in a red dress at 5 years old.

Angel in a red dress at 5 years old.

Some Monday’s we shoot these videos with a basic idea of what we will discuss, as Maddie is sweating me on what she will talk about on the next one, as soon as we finish the latest one. (If you weren’t aware, Maddie loves doing these videos:). I wanted go into today’s video not having any pre-planned subject to see what she would say. As you will observe, when it comes to topics, Maddie likes make like House of Pain and jump around .

POSTNOTE: Usually when Maddie says she isn’t feeling well, she is telling the truth, but it can be a bit psychosomatic if you mention the ailment first. She has complained of headaches the past week and has been extra tired, which we think has to do with her being on a strong anti-biotic which we are hoping will help her kill the sinus infection she’s been battling for the past month. She just finished the medicine this weekend. As of 2pm this afternoon, I haven’t heard of anything going on at school that is bothering her, so that’s a little victory. 

In regards to the police officer comment. A Facebook friend, Richard Stripp, Sr. showed one of Maddie’s Happy Monday videos last week at a seminar he was giving to police officers called “Autism Awareness and the First Responder.” People on the spectrum do not react in the way a typical developing person usually would, as yelling out a command might create a full-fledge meltdown to the system of someone like Maddie. It’s An Autism Thing–Let Me Help You Understand is a site designed to help others better comprehend the similarities and differences we have with people on the spectrum. I appreciate people like Richard who are out there bringing education to the public.

Sales Pitch: My new comedy cd came out last week called Good Dad…Not a Great Dad.  While it’s still based in my typical irreverent style, it’s a different approach to standup than you usually get as I have a couple serious moments where I discuss things in my life that wouldn’t exist without having Maddie. Hit this link and you can get a signed copy of it for 15 bucks (plus s&h) or get it for 20 bucks (plus s&h) when you buy one of the awesome t-shirts on the right-hand of this site. I will donate 5 dollars to the special olympics for each one I sell at the site. If you don’t want to mess with paypal, you can put it on your card at this link. (Sorry, but since these cds come directly from the record label, they are not signed and 5 dollars won’t go to the special olympics for those cds.) This makes a great holiday stocking stuffer! Act Now! Operators (me) are standing by!

Scott's Latest Comedy CD!

Scott’s Latest Comedy CD!