door county june 2006 039

Happy Holidays bonus.

The second clip has Maddie at a restaurant. Maddie loves to eat out but it’s always risky when she goes to one as you can’t control the atmosphere like at home, so there’s the potential that something could go wrong.

I can tell you I rarely risked going out when her twin siblings were younger, because as a group they were way beyond what one person could handle on their own. It’s only recently that I’ve been brave enough to go beyond McDonalds. This still happens very rarely, though, as we don’t have the scatch to go to a restaurant. I did it today because I knew Maddie was going to go bonkers staying inside, plus since I was taking them by myself, I knew I could cover 3 kids meals, especially since I had a 10 off 30 coupon!

The overwhelming costs of a child with some type of disability makes eating out a total luxury (unless you are ordering off the dollar menu.) Some weeks I look at the heavy bills we’ve accrued and think we should be standing in line for some government cheese. But we manage…

The restaurant visit went well for the most part. Maddie had a couple of moments and I’m sure I was too quick to get on my twins, as when you are dealing with autism, you expect too much out of others. I mean, these my twins are 5 years-old. Sorry guys. I hope some day when you read this you will acknowledge Daddy was working on a thin edge.