nov. 2006 013

For many parents of children with developmental disabilities, a major dream is to have their child hold a job. Where most parents fantasize about their child being a doctor or lawyer, I would be thrilled if my Maddie could work part-time at a grocery store someday, even though I’m filled with anxiety about the cruelty and harassment she would face without me protecting her.

In this ABC episode of What Would You Do?, actors set up a scene where we see what people would do in a situation where one man with down syndrome is bullied and slurred.

The key reason I started this site is the end of the title…Let Me Help You Understand. Most people never get a chance to get a true reflection of the life of someone with a disability. Thank you for checking in here. Hopefully from falling a little in love with Maddie, you have learned that people with developmental disabilities are just as deserving of respect (if not more), as those of us that don’t face similar challenges.

I try very hard not to judge people too harshly who are uneducated about people with developmental disabilities. What I can do is try to inform and educate people. I hope you will join me in this journey.