In the Triumphant Locker Room

I’m sure you’ve seen some of the inspirational videos of kids on the autism spectrum making shots in high school basketball games. They are great examples of how we can all can feel connected to each other. I admit I cry tears of joy every time I see one.

If you have been moved by them, as awesome as these are, let me mention that there’s a great chance you will get a number of these moments if you attend a Special Olympics event. I have explained to the people who’ve never been that you will never feel so many emotions all going through you, as when you attend a Special Olympics game or meet.

Here are a couple secrets about the Special Olympics I’d like to share.

  • Most of the athletes aren’t that concerned if they have a big crowd or not. They just love getting a chance to be part of the whole experience. In the sports world that we live in, this is the one place where the athletes aren’t looking for money or fame, just an opportunity. 
  • We, as parents of these Special Olympic athletes, don’t see our kids getting to compete and have success anywhere close to what the parent of a typical child does. That is why the Special Olympics is so fulfilling to us.

If you have never been to a Special Olympics event, put it at the top of your bucket list. It’s easy to make happen and I’m pretty sure you will leave changed for the better. Do it for yourself. Watch this Happy Monday with Maddie video below for a great example of what I’m talking about.